An Independent Physician Association Sponsored by the
Georgia Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is an Independent Physician Association (IPA)?
A: IPA stands for “Independent Physician Association,” a network of physician practices who are supported by IPA staff with various
business services such as managed care contracting, group purchasing, and other administrative services.
Q: Why did GSIPP start an IPA?
A: The GSIPP Board championed your feedback to develop a regulatory-compliant, state-wide network of aligned and engaged Pain Management
Physicians for managed care contracting and related business services. The initial focus of the IPA will be to provide managed care
contracting services, credentialing and assistance to physicians in their relationships with payers. Strength in numbers empowered by
physicians committed to providing the best care for their patients – this is what makes Independent Physician Partners (IPP) an
essential part of your professional practice.
Q: Who was involved in the development of Independent Physician Partners?
A: While the GSIPP Board led the over-all development process, many physicians from throughout the state were involved in providing
input and guidance in making IPP an organization that will be responsive to and an advocate for independent practicing interventional
pain physicians. More than 20 physicians from Valdosta, Savannah, Thomasville, Brunswick, Athens, Augusta, Macon, Gainesville,
Columbus, and the Atlanta metro area were interviewed. A working committee of Drs. Pollydore, Robinson, Giron, and Grossman spent
countless hours carefully considering each aspect of the IPP’s mission, organization, and operational structure. Their efforts
were supported throughout the process by a team of advisors experienced in creating and running physician organizations.
Q: Does joining an IPA mean giving up control of the way my practice is currently run?
A: No. IPP has no interest in being a practice manager. Member practices will remain independent. With membership support,
IPP will be managed by a Board of Directors initially consisting of six physicians (with significant overlap of GSIPP members)
who will set IPP’s goals and manage the activities of three committees which will develop and recommend all operating policies:
- Network Development – oversees membership recruitment and promotes physician engagement and participation
- Care Management – develops care protocols that promote network value, especially with payers
- Payer Management – establishes payer strategy and priorities
Q: How can I become involved with one of the committees and how much time will this require?
A: While IPP will have qualified administrative support, physician engagement is vital for its sustained success. Please indicate your interest
in serving on one of the committees by speaking to one of the initial Board members. We expect that each committee will meet bi-monthly with
each meeting organized around an agenda and advanced preparation by the IPP staff. Each meeting will be limited to 90 minutes and most will be
organized telephonically.
Q: How do I join IPP and what is the cost?
A: There is a $2,500 fee per physician associated with being a member of IPP. IPP is not an exclusive organization and you are able to utilize the
services of other networks as desired. However, as an IPA focused on serving the needs of interventional pain physicians, the value and benefits
of being part of IPP are particularly strong. Complete the credentialing application, make your check out to Interventional Pain Physicians Inc.
and give to any IPP Board member drop it at the registration desk. You can also mail to:
Independent Physician Partners Inc.
C/O Georgia Society of Interventional Pain Physicians
6134 Poplar Bluff Circle, Suite 101
Norcross, GA 30092
Q: Why is credentialing important?
A: The IPP credentialing process, which is based upon National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) criteria are reviewed by health plans we work
with to ensure that our network is performing to the highest standards.
Q: How is it permissible for independent practices to come together with one organization for managed care contracting and other business services?
A: IPP will follow the messenger model contracting format as required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) until it establishes a more clinically
integrated platform for contracting. The messenger model focuses on one to one individual member services whereas the establishment of the clinically
integrated model will monitor and provide feedback on about a half dozen American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) evidenced-based
clinical protocols. This will enable IPP to more effectively leverage the value of our network with payers.